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Our Pre-School


Daily Sessions:


We aim to base our sessions on the timetable below, However, we can be flexible enough to take advantage of unplanned opportunities and special events when they arise;


08:15 - 09:15

Children arrive for our Early start/Breakast club.

Children are encouraged to eat a healthy breakfast and have access to our toys and resources.

09:15 - 09:25: Welcome


Parents and children arrive. Staff are available to welcome children and speak briefly to parents.


09:25 - 11:30: Free play


Children are free to choose their own activities indoors and outdoors from a vast range which cover all areas of learning within the EYFS. Adult led activities will be planned every day to enhance particular skills.

During this time a snack bar will be available to the children, enabling them to help themselves to a drink and a healthy snack.


11:30 - 11:40: Tidy up time


All children and adults are encouraged to help to tidy up.


11:40 - 12:10: Family group time


Children will be offered activities to share in their key groups. Activities include;

stories, songs, dance, discussion, circle time, or letters and sounds activities.


12:15: Home time


Parents collect children from the pre-school.


12:15 - 13:15: Lunch club


Children wash their hands and sit together to eat their packed lunches. Adults sit down to eat with the children in order to model appropriate behaviour and to make it a social occasion.


13:15: Lunch club ends


Children attending lunch club are collected from the pre-school.


13:15 - 14:15: Afternoon session


An extension of the morning session for those children remaining with us.












Harvest Festival;

Children will learn about harvest time and will collect food items to give to less fortunate people

Autumnal walks;

The children will take part in a walk of the local environment collecting natural objects for our nature table


'Little Urchins' photographers will be visiting on Wednesday 18th October to take vintage photos of the children




Coming up this half term:
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